[365 Farm] 100% Korean Lotus Root Chips
Product Highlights
- Made from 100% Korea-grown Lotus Root
- Lotus root is rich in vitamins & fiber - healthier alternative to potato chips
- Take as a snack for picnics or hiking
- Each bag is 30 grams - 3 bags in total

Product In Brief
Main Ingredients
- Lotus Root, Palm Oil
Storage Tips
- Expiration period: 3 months
- Keep in a cool, dry area
How to Enjoy
- Eat like a potato chip
Or use a topping in salads
About the Brand
- 365 Farms is a local sustainable grower from Gyeonggi Province. They supply local markets and restaurants with a variety of fresh root vegetables throughout the year.
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About The Brand

365 Farms is a local sustainable grower from Gyeonggi Province. They supply local markets and restaurants with a variety of fresh root vegetables throughout the year.
That's it folks!